Yuh-Jung Youn Minari 2021

Yuh-Jung Youn as Grandma Soonja in Minari
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role 2021

Yuh-Jung Youn Minari 2021
Yuh-Jung Youn Minari 2021


So-young in The Bacchus Lady 2016

Character Is A Prostitute

Yuh-Jung Youn in The Bacchus Lady 2016
Yuh-Jung Youn in The Bacchus Lady 2016

From Wikipedia

Bacchus Ladies are women in their 50s, 60s, and some even their 80s, who solicit men in Seoul’s parks and plazas for sex in nearby motels for about $30.00, or even less if the man is a regular client.

The Bacchus Ladies phenomenon is believed to have originated after the 1997 Asian financial crisis, with South Korea being one of the countries most affected by the financial contagion. In South Korea’s traditionally Confucian society, elderly parents were highly respected and, in their old age, could rely on their children for care regardless of the economic situation.

In the film “The Bacchus Lady,” Yuh-Jung Youn plays So-young – a 65-year-old so-called ‘Bacchus lady’ who sells her body to old men for a living. Bacchus is a famous energy drink loved by Korean for 60 years. One day her customer SONG, suffering from a stroke, desperately asks her to end his life. So-young hesitates but finally helps him as it leads So-young to get deeply involved in suicide assistance community for those with no will to live.

Watch trailer of the film “The Bacchus Lady”

To read more about this prostitute role & other Oscar-winning actresses playing a hooker, please continue perusing

Oscar Hookers

If you know of this actress playing more than one prostitute role, please tweet to me and let me know! I’ll gladly add it to the page here. My Twitter handle is at the top of this page.
