Jessica Lange Tootsie 1983

Jessica Lange as Julie Nichols in Tootsie
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role 1983

Jessica Lange Tootsie 1983
Jessica Lange Tootsie 1983


Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire 1992 & 1995

Emmy Nominated For Playing A Prostitute

Jessica Lange in A Streetcar Named Desire 1992 & 1995
Jessica Lange in A Streetcar Named Desire 1992 & 1995

Jessica played the role of Blanche Dubois both on Broadway and on television. One question remains about her. Was she a hooker? Or was she just a sex-starved individual? Her famous exit line is, “I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers.” The play implies, without being specific, that Blanche was a prostitute. The play exposes Blanche as a “loose woman” after she engages in sexual relations with a 17-year-old male. Later she stays at a hotel frequented by prostitutes. Stanley even labels her a prostitute. Some historians have argued that because of Blanche’s sexual nature, she was an amoral prostitute. Unlike the film version starring Vivien Leigh, this TV adaptation remained faithful to the play. Jessica received an Emmy nomination for her interpretation of Blanche in 1996.

Watch clip from “A Streetcar Named Desire”

To read more about this prostitute role & other Oscar-winning actresses playing a hooker, please continue perusing

Oscar Hookers

If you know of this actress playing more than one prostitute role, please tweet to me and let me know! I’ll gladly add it to the page here. My Twitter handle is at the top of this page.
