Sissy Spacek Coal Miner’s Daughter 1981

Sissy Spacek as Loretta Lynn in Coal Miner’s Daughter
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role 1981

Sissy Spacek Coal Miner's Daughter 1981
Sissy Spacek Coal Miner’s Daughter 1981


Poppy in Prime Cut 1972

Lorena in Streets of Laredo 1995

Both Characters Are Prostitutes

Sissy Spacek in Prime Cut 1972 and Streets of Laredo 1995
Sissy Spacek in Prime Cut 1972 and Streets of Laredo 1995

“Prime Cut” was Sissy Spacek’s film debut. She plays an orphan named Poppy, who gets sold into prostitution.

Watch clip of the film “Prime Cut”

Twenty-five years later, she would star in the pre-sequel to the Lonesome Dove series “Streets of Laredo.” This mini-series featured an ensemble cast, including Sissy Spacek, in the part of Lorena. The character is a former prostitute, now married with children. The residents must be okay with her previous occupation as she is now the town’s schoolteacher!

Watch clip from the film “Streets of Laredo”

To read more about this prostitute role & other Oscar-winning actresses playing a hooker, please continue perusing

Oscar Hookers

If you know of this actress playing more than one prostitute role, please tweet to me and let me know! I’ll gladly add it to the page here. My Twitter handle is at the top of this page.

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